Poultry Processing

Hau Makoce Ag Relatives and Supporters,

Today we were able to harvest in the mobile poultry processing unit a batch of 70 locally pastured raised meat birds. A participating family that helped raise the chickens was able to learn hands on how to process and package the birds using the mobile poultry processing unit equipment and tools. They not only learned a valuable skill of harvesting chickens but also they learned the valuable connection of raising and processing their own foods. The family was able to take home the meats of their labor and fill their freezer for the changing season. We processed a total of 70 birds in 2 hours for a total average weight of 2.5-3 lbs totaling over 175 pounds of locally raise and nutritiously dense protein. The family was proud of the opportunity Makoce Ag was able to create for their participation. Makoce Ag will assist one last participating family in a hands on processing day next weekend and then start planning for next season’s opportunity to educate and train the next interested community members!

Makoce Agriculture Development is dedicated to creating local agriculture and food systems on the Pine Ridge Reservation!

-Creating Access and Opportunity-


HACCP Certification


Community Food System