
Kelly Hunter

Kelly Hunter is a member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and has lived on the reservation her entire life. She is an active member in the Medicine Root District.

She has worked in areas that developed and helped the reservation and served her people. For 9 years she worked for Native American Natural Foods who developed the first Buffalo snack bar in the nation. She was key in developing systems and processes that moved the reservation-based snack bar over the entire nation. When the company downsized she went to work for the Government at the Pine Ridge Hospital and has been developing systems to deliver better services to Tribal Members.

Kelly is a graduate from Oglala Lakota College with Business Computers. Her goals have been to help service, better her community and Nation. Growing up on a Food Desert she knows the perils of unhealthy food options and is excited to work Makoce on new systems that bring healthier food options to Native people.